Obviously, we all had issues when we were 16, and most of us can say we've been in a fist fight or two, but guns? Knives? Do you ever remember kids in Grade 10 who had guns to play with? Remember how small we were at 16? Seriously, go step into a highschool now that you've been out for a while and revel at how small they are! It's soo sad that a petty fight at that age could end a child's life, for they are still legally children! But the more serious concern is not that a young kid with raging hormones can commit murder, but that he can get very effective tools to do so.
I know that as humans, we are sometimes find ourselves very conflicted. We could get into the hugest fight of our life over who ate the last piece of pie, and alot of us can't deny that we've uttered a statement like, "I'm going to kill you!" at one time, but that doesn't mean we would actually do it! So, don't you think it's more likely that a young person actually WOULD do it because of their general lack of knowledge and understanding of life? Do you think they consider the victim's family, or their future? Do you think they pre-meditate whether this enemy could be the future Prime Minister? Or a scientist? Surgeon? Or even just a loving father? Do you think it's fair for a 16 year old to determine the outcome of another person's life? It must be much too easy to obtain a gun if a highschool student is killing the kids he has a disagreement with. And, why do you think it even came to this? Since when are kids able to do something so serious and adult over any 16 year old issue???
Just to put in my two-cents, I completely, and always will, blame the parents. Of course, I'm not saying the parents are telling their kids to go out and kill, but they are obviously not instilling serious morals in their children if they are mentally healthy and able to kill another human being. Both of these kids also lived in bad Toronto areas, and I know nobody lives there if they don't have to. Presumably, their parents are not so prominent in their lives because they have to work an average of two jobs in that area. So, do you think a parents lack of presence can have serious affects on a child's mental state? Hell yes!
I don't care what you say, if you're child commits murder at 16, as a parent, you have completely and utterly FAILED!
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