It seems like everyone is tweeting and facebooking these days! I can't even get ahold of friends unless I write on their "wall". And what's with people asking you to follow them? Do I really wanna be constantly updated on your every thought throughout the day? And Facebook is creepy. You post pictures and people spend all day long looking through every one, even the blooper shots which people put on their profiles anyways for some reason. And when you type in your name or a friends name on Google, not only do they come up, but so does their school name, resident city, and pictures from what they did last night. Is that not a little inappropriate? Suddenly everyone thinks their shit smells like roses and they want everyone to know every detail of their lives. I call it the Pity Case. Do you think 20 years ago people would go on TV and tell everyone that their parents had to file for bankruptcy and that's why they should be the next American Idol? We live in a time where everyone whores out their problems and their life for recognition. Even I must whore out my opinion just to be relevant enough to have people who are internet whores maybe come across this and ponder. Do you ever wonder if what's important to you was ever important to people 10 years from now? 50 years from now? Some of the most popular sites on the internet are devoted to showing embarassing pictures of celebrities while they poke fun at them.
So what is important to people who don't tweet or facebook, and how can they relate when the rest of people their age use these things hourly on a daily basis? I wanted to ask what do you find important to you that has seemed to have taken a backseat to the new internet phenomenons? Current issues? Cooking and recipes? Housekeeping? Drug Use? It could be anything. But I think I need to have someone out there tell me that I'm not strange for thinking that any communication past a phone call is just too impersonal for me.
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