1. Kim Kardashian
She's rich, beautiful and famous. But WHY? Here's why: after Paris Hilton, people were becoming famous left and right for their lifestyles. She has money, a big ass, and a sex tape. She is very lucky she's so pretty too. Have you heard her talk? Good god! Oh yes, and she's in one of those horrible parody movies where she shows off the fact that she does indeed have absolutely no talent. I think the way she has committed to that fake, stupid and vapid voice is pretty impressive though.
Not too long ago, she would be #1 on this list, no question. Now, I wasn't even going to include her. Yes, she got famous for no reason too. But after the sex tape and reality show, Paris either stepped up her game, or it was just the presence of Kim Kardashian that made me see that really, she's not so bad. I mean, if you can upstage Paris Hilton in mediocrity...enough said. But, that still doesn't change the fact that Paris Hilton shouldn't be known as more than a relative of the Hilton Hotel founder. The End.
3. Britney Spears
I'm not gonna say I don't think she's worked hard or anything, and I love her songs, but when Britney Spears went into that audition to become a recording artist, they should have said no. She just does not have the vocals. Another example of when vanity comes before talent.
4. Miley Cyrus
I bet if all of our parents gave us the opportunity to have our own show we'd discover that we might be okay at acting and singing. That doesn't mean it should be our career. And maybe her parents should have taught her common decency before they unleashed her into the world. Please know that putting your shoed feet on other people's furniture, even during an interview, is never okay. Learn some manners girl! She still needs a good spanking.
5. Kristen Stewart
I truely believe she should be number one, but she puts in a bit more work than the others so...at least there's that. But the truth is, her father has a lot of power in the showbiz industry, which is why she's an actor. But really, acting, I hope, is the thing she is WORST at. Never have I seen such an awkward person on screen. Never have a heard anyone execute lines so mechanically. I took drama class every year of highschool, and I've still never seen acting that bad. The fact that she is getting paid so much actually makes me angry. Has UNDESERVING ever been better applied?
7. George W. Bush
He's a great example of kids getting it all with the influence of their parents. His, however, is the most extreme case. There are so many things wrong with this man, that I'll have to save it for a post of his own. But I don't even need to list off any reasons why he should have never been president. OK, maybe one: He never legitimately won the first election. That's a big enough reason, but still not as big as what he did AFTER he won.
8. Nicolas Cage

A lot of people are gonna disagree with me on this one, but he can't act for shit. The only time he is watchable is when he's playing a character full of awkward quirks and ticks. Any other time he is incapable of emotion, and his eyes look like he's looking at something far, far away. There's nothing captivating there. And he is also a line butcher like Kristen Stewart; the original.
A lot of people are gonna disagree with me on this one, but he can't act for shit. The only time he is watchable is when he's playing a character full of awkward quirks and ticks. Any other time he is incapable of emotion, and his eyes look like he's looking at something far, far away. There's nothing captivating there. And he is also a line butcher like Kristen Stewart; the original.
9. Elisabeth Hasselback
I know why she's famous! She's the poster child for the stupid, uninformed religious American. She's relatable to people who aren't famous and are not smart. If you've ever seen the View and have an IQ over 50, then you'll agree. You could mark at least two quotes each show to which she says something incredibly stupid that makes no sense. Smart blondes must love her.
10. Robert Pattinson
Kristen Stewart's partner in crime: The complete mockery of the art of acting. Look kids, you don't have to be good at something to have a career in it. Seriously, people are actually willing to pay you any amount of money for your "work"? Fuck you.
So that's the end of my list for now. There are so many others that I can't think of but I'll be sure to keep my eye out. And I did leave out most Disney stars for a reason: there's too many, and they all have the same lack of talent. That seems to be the 'in' thing right now. Oh, and they all have CD's when none of them can sing. i Carly? WHY?
Forgot about the Pope